Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 16:34:13 -0600 (MDT) From: "K V Renaud" <> To: <> Subject: (SEWORLD) SAICSIT 2001 - Call for Participation *********************************************************************** SAICSIT 2001 HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND PEOPLEWARE: THE REALITY IN THE REAL MILLENIUM CALL FOR PARTICIPATION *********************************************************************** Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists. SAICSIT'2001 Pretoria, South Africa September 25-28, 2001 *********************************************************************** SAICSIT 2001 is the premier international South African-based conference on computing research and development. We cordially invite all researchers, practitioners, educators and students, everyone interested in computer science and information technology to attend, whether they come from academia, industry or any other sector of society. SAICSIT demonstrates the very best and latest research, practice and experience. We hope you will plan to join us at this year's conference, which consists of five invited keynote addresses by renowned international researchers, 26 research presentations, 16 ideas or experience papers, tutorials, and a postgraduate student symposium. The conference is hosted by the University of South Africa, and will run from September 25 to 28, 2001. The conference city, Pretoria, is the capital of South Africa, and is particularly beautiful in spring. The conference will be held, and the participants lodged, at the ABSA Conference Centre on the outskirts of Pretoria. The conference hosts different social events and thus offers lots of opportunities to the participants for casual get-togethers. See the preliminary conference schedule and full details at and register online from 1 August by following the links from the conference homepage. There is a discount for early registration (before 17th August). *********************************************************************** INVITED SPEAKERS: Prof Alan Dix - Cyber-economies and the Real World Mr Arthur Goldstuck - Internet and Security Trends Dr Raymond Hackney - Strategic Planning for E-Commerce Systems: towards an inspirational focus Prof Lut Baten - Computer-Aided Instruction, with emphasis on language learning Prof Nigel Horspool - The future of data compression in e-technology *********************************************************************** TUTORIALS: Java for System Designers and Managers Middleware and Database Technologies Designing Mobile Interaction XML Digital Watermarking Please consult the conference website for more information about the tutorials. *********************************************************************** The Conference is Sponsored by: The National Research Foundation (NRF) ABSA Bank Microsoft SA Oracle Libra Pharmaceuticals The University of South Africa The Centre for Software Engineering (CENSE), UNISA *********************************************************************** CONFERENCE ORGANISERS: Conference Chair: Paula Kotze Program Chairs: Karen Renaud & Andries Barnard Organizing Chairs: Lucas Venter and Alta van der Merwe Contact information: Official website: Registration details will be available from 1 August on our website. Surface mail: SAICSIT 2001 Department of Computer Science University of South Africa P O Box 392 UNISA 0003 South Africa Telephone: +27 12 429 6089 Fax: +27 12 429 6655 E-mail: *********************************************************************** Looking forward to seeing you in Pretoria The Organizing Chairs of SAICSIT'2001 ***********************************************************************
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 20:21:59 -0700 (MST) From: K V Renaud <> To: Subject: (SEWORLD) Call for Papers: SAICSIT'2001 SAICSIT-2001 Conference to be held 25 - 28 September 2001 ========================================================= Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Hardware, Software and Peopleware: The Reality in the Real Millennium. 70 papers from 12 countries were submitted to the very successful SAICSIT'00. SAICSIT-2001, to be held in the Pretoria area, will be even better. The conference venue will be the ABSA conference Centre in Montana, Pretoria. The conference will include research papers, tutorials, workshops and panel discussions. Papers are solicited in ALL areas of Computer Science and Information Systems, but should be directed at a reasonably general audience. For examples, see papers accepted for SAICSIT'00 (see link on the SAICSIT-2001 web site). We invite submissions in the following categories: 1) Research Papers in one of the following categories: - full research papers - short papers - electronically published papers. A selection of the best full research papers and short papers will be published in the South African Computing Journal. 2) Tutorials 3) Workshops 4) Panel discussions 5) Postgraduate Research Symposium. Program Committee ================= Bob Baber - McMaster Univeristy, Canada Andries Barnard - University of South Africa Judy Bishop - University of Pretoria Andy Bytheway - University of the Western Cape Andre Calitz - University of Port Elizabeth Elsabe Cloete - - University of South Africa Carina de Villiers - University of Pretoria Alan Dix - Lancaster University Jan Eloff - Rand Afrikaans University Andries Engelbrecht - University of Pretoria Chris Johnson - University of Glasgow Paul Licker - University of Cape Town Paula Kotze - - University of South Africa Derrick Kourie - University of Pretoria Philip Machanick - University of the Witwatersrand Gary Marsden - University of Cape Town Don Petkov - University of Natal in Pietermaritsburg Karen Renaud - University of South Africa Ian Sanders - University of the Witwatersrand Derrick Smith - University of Cape Town Harold Thimbleby - Middlesex University Theda Thomas - Port Elizabeth Technikon Herna Viktor - University of Pretoria Bruce Watson - Universities of Pretoria and Eindhoven Janet Wesson - - University of Port Elizabeth All submissions should be made electronically unless special arrangements are made for paper submission. Details will appear on the conference web site. BSAICSIT SUBMISSIONS WILL BE SUBMITTED TO A DOUBLE BLIND REVIEW PROCESS. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE AUTHOR NAMES IN YOUR SUBMISSION - AND ALSO REMOVE DETAILS WHICH WOULD MAKE IT OBVIOUS WHO THE AUTHORS ARE. Submission implies a commitment, should the submission be accepted, to attend the conference and present the paper or tutorial, or participate in the workshop or panel discussion. Deadlines: Submissions due Friday 11 May 2001 Acceptances/rejections sent out 9 July 2001 Final corrections due 10 August 2001 Details for electronic submission will appear on the conference website. Please note that submissions in pdf format are preferred. If you are unable to submit your paper electronically, you may send four (4) printed copies of the paper to: Karen Renaud Department of Computer Science University of South Africa P O Box 392 UNISA 0003 SOUTH AFRICA email: PLEASE MARK ENVELOPES CLEARLY AS: SAICSIT 2001 SUBMISSION AND ALSO THE CATEGORY OF THE SUBMISSION, EG WORKSHOP, OR POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM. PAPERS ====== Short papers and Electronic papers are intended to allow space for preliminary work, or useful experiences, which are of sufficient interest to publish, but which would not meet the criteria for review of a research paper. Full research papers are limited to 10 pages in final typeset form, while short papers are limited to 5 pages (10 point Times New Roman, 2 columns: (For guidelines see: Length is not an issue for electronically published papers. TUTORIALS ========= SAICSIT 2001 plans to host a tutorial programme. Proposals for high-quality tutorials in all areas of computer science and information systems from academic research to industrial applications are solicited. Tutorial levels may be introductory, intermediate, and advanced. Novel topics and topics of broad interest are preferred. Guidelines for the submission of tutorial proposals are available on the conference website. WORKSHOPS ========= SAICSIT 2001 will host a number of workshops addressing different areas of computer science. Workshops serve as a forum for exchanging late breaking ideas and theories in an evolutionary stage. They typically focus on either in depth analysis or broad-ranging approaches to any area of computer science. Guidelines for the submission of workshop proposals are available on the conference website. PANELS ====== Panel sessions addressing important and timely topics in computer science will be included in the main conference. They should present interesting and divergent views with solid practical and/or theoretical backing. A good panel session can be the highlight of the official programme for many attendees. Guidelines for panel proposals are available on the conference website. Postgraduate Research Symposium =============================== The main purpose of this symposium is to provide a forum for student researchers who are investigating any computer science or information systems area. We would like to invite any student researcher to submit their work to this symposium. The emphasis of this workshop will be work in progress. Original and unpublished research can be presented here to a group of fellow students in order to obtain helpful feedback and valuable experience. Enquiries about the conference in general should be directed to Enquiries about submissions of research papers, panels, workshops and tutorials should be directed to
Last update: 2001/08/25.
Dirk Craeynest